This was supposed to be a depressing post on how stupid I have been and a fool , but rather than have a rant , i am going to do one of those 50 Things about me so you get to know me better, and , you never know, you may enjoy it..ask me anything about them if you want
1.I am an only child
2.My favourite colour is purple
3.I know 2 people that are born on the same day and month as me
4.I am right handed
5.I bat left handed in cricket
6.I have one tattoo
7.I have had my appendix removed
8.I was going to become a vicar when i was at school
9.My favourite number is 13
10.I own approximately 200 cameras
11.I dont eat Onions
12.Except Spring onions
13.I like cats
14.I have been on Countdown
15.My first job was working in a butchers when i was at school
16.I would describe myself as gay..always have been..yeh i know!!
17.Currently I have 3 cats
18.I have walked the length of Hadrians Wall
19.The most played songs on my ipod are The XX - Crystalised, Green Day - East Jesus Nowhere, Placebo - Nancy Boy,
20.The only bone I have broken is my finger
21.But fractured my wrist 3 times
22.I have cut my own hair for 20 years
23.My left foot is slightly bigger than my right
24.I passed my driving test at the 2nd attempt
25.I have no living relatives
26.I have been knocked down by a car
27.I wear contact lenses
28.I have met my hero
29.I am uncut
30.I dont like my fingers to be sticky
31.The only fruit I have had are apples and bananas
32.I love Disney
33.I have swum with dolphins
34.My temperature in my bedroom as a child once read zero degrees C
35.I use humour in inappropriate situations..alot
36.I was caught smoking when i was 9 years old
37.I still dont know what I want as a career
38.I have turned down 2 career changing jobs because they were based in London
39.I was the youngest person to be interviewed for Mastermind at the time
40.I have never owned a skateboard, and only bought Roller Blades about 5 years ago
41.I am learning to speak Polish
42.I am probably addicted to coffee and chocolate
43.I trim
44.My life changing moment was the first time I kissed a guy
45.I have done all my own cooking since i was 15 years old
46.I have never spent more than 12 hours in a row with my mother
47.I always throw away any chip that has a black or bad bit on
48.I was 'groomed' as a child by a paedophile, but never fell for it
49.I dont hold's too short
50.I can see myself settling down and being in a relationship with one guy for the rest of my life
Hope you liked them and found out more about me..i'm happy to expand on any if you want to know more, or if theres any burning questions you want to ask, you can do that!