Monday 5 April 2010

back so soon

i know, youre thinking its him again, but just want to apologise for past and future blogs if they are all over the place. i will honestly try and structure them with bits about my past along with day to day stuff as well, but realise that sometimes words just keep spewing on a page, often randomly - so sorry for that.

also i have set up one of these formspring things so you can find out more about me if i dont put it down on my blog. i will try and answer everything honestly unless it compromises my outward existence - hopefully at some point soon i will only have one true life to lead :-)


  1. Hi there, JSL

    Don't worry about the order in which you tell us things - just say what you need to, or want to, when you feel the time is right. For many people here, blogging is a means of understanding themselves through what they write, and what others write back to them. If we can help on the road to that "one true life", I think we will be happy.

    Take care


  2. No need to apologize. Your posts aren't all over the place. Write what you need to write and don't worry about the rest.

    Hope things are getting better :)

