Sunday 18 April 2010

whats wrong with me?

What the f*** is wrong with me...shes on the verge of walking out and leaving me, and i stop her!!!


  1. Hi there, JSL

    I don't know. Maybe because you have enough respect for her that when you do part company, you want it to be done calmly and rationally, and with some degree of amicability on both sides. Maybe because something does not feel ready to actually take this step.

    Please feel free to post more, or to e-mail - if there's any way in which I can help, I'd like to do so.

    Take care


  2. Hi JSL -

    I think it's a normal reaction. Change is difficult. Sometimes we see things start to change rapidly and our survival instinct kicks in, trying to prevent things from unraveling. Take some time to reflect - determine what you want to do. What's best for you.


  3. Why is she on the verge of walking out on you?

    I agree with Pom and NewLeaf. You need to figure out what you want, and that may take some time.

    What cleared my head was to come out to my wife and then for her to leave. This resulted in a 2 month separation. At the end of those two months I had more clarity than I'd had in many years. It's all right here in my RIVETING (/sarcasm on) story,
